Vacuum Pumps

Vacuum Pumps

I currently offer two vacuum pumps. Confused about which should you purchase for your milking needs? 

Used Welch 2858b-01

Excellent for milking one cow and one to 2 goat or sheep into bucket. 

Small, light and extremely portable, weighing around 22lbs. 

These are piston pumps and are very reliable. No rotary vanes to break or replace. 

These are high quality pumps generally used in labs. They retail at over $1400 new, so these are a steal at $450. 

New Gast 1023

These are perfect for those who plan to expand their milking capabilities in the near future or those who are already milking multiple animals. 

The Gast 1023 3/4 HP 10 CFM pump will easily run two separate buckets for 2 cows or up to 4 goats and sheep. 

This is strong, heavy-duty pump weighing in at 58lbs. So a cart is essential if you plan your pump often.